Jan 23, 2023Liked by Caroline Cala Donofrio

My husband and I both hate the robots so have none in our house. But when I wear my airpods, my phone turns into one. I was walking the dog and listening to music the other day. I started yanking the leash and muttered "would you please come on and hurry up!?!?" Siri replied "I'm sorry, I'm trying my best!!" which made me feel horrible for being impatient with my pup. It was like she was speaking for him. A surprising and rare instance where interacting with a robot made me a better and more patient person.

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Caroline Cala Donofrio

This was fantastic! And made me laugh! I hate robots. I hate calling customer service and losing my mind yelling "REPRESENTATIVE" along with a slew of expletives to which they respond, as you wrote, in their passive aggressive monotone "I'm sorry. I did not understand" 😂🤣😆

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This week’s tarot reading provided a lot of comfort. It’s just what I needed. Thank you! ♥️

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Caroline Cala Donofrio

I promptly got rid of my Google home device after my then-2 year old started going over to it and holding a babbling convo. the idea of my toddler having a conversation with a robot device was too much for me to bear.

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Finally I understand where the luddites were coming from. I asked Alexa to find somewhere I could subscribe to their organisation but it ‘didn’t understand’ me ... ‘suspicious’ ... I said under my breath, whereupon it started playing Elvis....

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Caroline Cala Donofrio

Bahaha 🤣🤣🤣

That had me belly-laughing so hard!!


When I was test driving my car, my friend (Angel) was in the back seat, the salesman (Raffa), a guy from Argentina - now in Australia - who had a very interesting mix of accents, was in the driver seat.

He was demonstrating the tech of the car and synched my phone to the car.

He said "Eh chall Ahngella". Dutifully, the car promptly called Angel in the back seat!! We all theee cracked up laughing at the linguistic prowess of the bot!🤣🤣🤣

Note: Angel was slightly annoyed, because her car constantly fails at executing the most simple calls to basic names, even with fastidious enunciation.


Yet, despitethe hilarity, I'm secretly, deeply frightened by the potential of AI. Perhaps too much Sci-fi reading?!?🤔 Or maybe intuition?!

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So relatable!! My husband and I purposely avoid smart products.

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Caroline Cala Donofrio

Thank you for updating me on the world. I don't want to scare you or anyone, but I'm scared - but that's just me. I am a human being with Sensory Processing Sensitivity and so all that voice activated requesting in my place of residence would feel like I was in a restaurant with loud chattering and an occasional tray of dishes crashing to the floor and the periodic sign off of a crashing and shattering wine glass. I find GPS speak to be anxiety inducing, not to mention automated answering systems.

I sit in question of all the electronics and AI that seems to NEEDS our interaction which pulls us away from just being with self and another. I just don't know. But I do know peace and quiet on the inside of my four walls is important especially as chaos, loudness and the fast pace rises in the outer world beyond my place of shelter.

Maybe, soon there will be a like minds moment - "BEAT IT BABYLON!"😂

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Caroline Cala Donofrio

Very funny! NO robots in this house. I find AI scary. Thank you for sharing!

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Caroline Cala Donofrio

I have tried to explain to my husband HOW much I would rather stand up and walk to the light switch than tell one of his robots to do. I have always wondered if it’s an introvert/extrovert thing. As an introvert saying something that doesn’t need to be said pains me.

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Caroline Cala Donofrio

I love this. So much of my life has become more complicated through all these “things” I use Alexa to time what’s in the oven and find my phone. When she asks can I help you I say No,not now,not ever!

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Caroline Cala Donofrio

Silly human ... we have enough, create enough to worry about in our minds ... just enjoy the bots ......maybe one day you will lucky enough to have a CoCoBOT deliver dinner to your door .... LOL they are the most considerate things I walk with on my daily walk ... they move to the side and let me walk by without running into me while talking on their cell phone ... love your writing ... followed you for a long time and you just get better and better.

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Caroline Cala Donofrio

I just read this to my robot-loving partner and we had a good laugh. And I told him it’s time to give the robots fun names so thanks for that idea!

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Caroline Cala Donofrio

Giggling 🤭 at your description of various robots getting it wrong. I have three kids under eight, and the robots really struggle with understanding their various levels of comprehensible speech. Lots of bloopers. Thank you for the laugh!

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This is an amazing article about the hated of robots! I’m neutral but am more of an analog person (my planner and important notes aren’t on a digital device because it’s in a busy phone with many apps and folder in a hole at the bottom of the sea).

You and everyone who agrees with you would LOVE this commercial then! I watched it all the time on YouTube I loved the father so much and the ridiculous robot requests!


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