Apr 5Liked by Caroline Cala Donofrio

Thank you for being vulnerable. The questions where you shared the complexity of mourning one relationship with your wife, but cherishing this new one as a unit of three really spoke to me.

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Apr 4Liked by Caroline Cala Donofrio

Marc is such a gem of a human! Loved the candor and insight in this interview.

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Apr 4Liked by Caroline Cala Donofrio

What a beautiful interview! Can't wait to read Raising Myles <3

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Apr 6Liked by Caroline Cala Donofrio

What a gorgeous human and gifted storyteller. ♥️ Thank you for introducing all of us to Marc!

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Apr 5Liked by Caroline Cala Donofrio

The way I smiled when I saw that Marc was answering Five Big Questions this week!

Marc, your responses were so honest and thoughtful. Perhaps my favorite part: even though our lives look quite different on paper, everything you shared felt so...relatable. It's a testament to how beautifully you write about the human experience—something we all have in common!

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Apr 5Liked by Caroline Cala Donofrio

"People on this planet live their whole lives trying to experience what it means to give and receive love. They search hard, and many times come up empty. I feel incredibly privileged and lucky to get to experience this every waking moment" I couldn't agree more, Marc! I often can't believe I'm lucky enough to have found a man I absolutely adore, adores me, and we get to love each other. Thanks for putting it into words

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Apr 5Liked by Caroline Cala Donofrio

Wow wow wow!! So beautiful! As a mom of a five month old trying to navigate co parenting and the messiness of it all these feelings so beautiful articulated! ❤️what a joy to read!

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Apr 5Liked by Caroline Cala Donofrio

Caroline! Thanks so much for introducing me to Marc's work. Love it so much and subscribed right away!

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Apr 4Liked by Caroline Cala Donofrio

Marc, this was such a great interview. I’m sitting deep with the answer to your first question. I’m also very happy that you are giving yourself permission to feel those things. You are my hero!

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Apr 4Liked by Caroline Cala Donofrio

Marc, I hadn't heard of your newsletter until today, but I'm going to go sign up immediately -- this was a beautiful, beautiful interview.

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Apr 4Liked by Caroline Cala Donofrio

Marc, you know I feel so deeply with you on so much of this. And you’re so right about not being able to rationalize your feelings. They just are. Just as they need to be. 🧡 Such a delight to see you featured here!

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Apr 6Liked by Caroline Cala Donofrio

Loved this! ❤️ ama: def looking for nyc recs!! Food, bookstores, desserts, parks, activities!

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Apr 5Liked by Caroline Cala Donofrio

I love this newsletter and love a good AMA! Here goes:

How did you have the courage to train for a full marathon, I'm working on my 4th half and still am intimidated by a full.

How is actually living in New York better and worse than what people think?

How do you not get caught up in the 'what will it look like in the end' when you're starting something new?

How do you keep going? I often start something, doubt it, pause, question, and realize nothing is being made. How do you consistently create material without over thinking it?

Have you ever encountered people in your personal life signing up for your newsletter that you'd rather not read it?


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Beautiful! Especially that story about meeting his wife on a subway platform... gives me hope. Now I have to check out Marc's work.

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